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ScotGov outlines loss of profits on disposable ban | Scottish Grocer & Convenience Retailer



ScotGov outlines loss of profits on disposable ban | Scottish Grocer & Convenience Retailer

Retailers left massively out of pocket in Scotland

The Scottish Government has outlined the collective loss of profit that the incoming disposable vape ban will have on Scotland’s retailers.

THE Scottish Government has revealed that retailers in Scotland will be left massively out of pocket  over a period of 10 years as a result of the incoming disposable vape ban in new impact statements.

The new research from ScotGov offers three scenarios including a Best Case Scenario, A Worst Case Scenario and Central point between the two which shows that retailers will be left out of pocket in the hundreds of millions of pounds.

According to the Prohibition of the sale and supply of single-use vapes Full Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment, Scottish retailers in the best case scenario for collective profit loss from the ban will still lose £1,169.1million with the worst case scenario painting an even bleaker picture at £2,068.9million. The likely Central point between the two has been listed as £1,567.6million.

Further to this, the Scottish Government has outlined a potential profit gain for retailers from consumers switching to alternative nicotine products, but this still shows little comfort for Scottish retailers.

In the best case scenario, retailers could stand to gain £619.6million but this still leaves a massive £549.5million black hole in retailers’ profits. Once again, the worst case scenario has a even grimmer outlook where retailers could lose an overall £1821.1million.

These losses also do not factor in the potential shop refits some retailers also face due to having to move refillable devices to other areas in the store.

Despite this, the Scottish Government has argued that the ban is the most effective solution to cutting back on the environmental costs and rising youth vaper numbers.

The impact statement states: “A ban on the sale and supply of single-use vapes will reduce the environmental and social costs caused by the production and incorrect disposal of them. Given that single-use vapes are inherently unsustainable products, a ban on sale and supply is the most effective solution.”

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