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Annual wealth tax proposed in Scottish Green election plans



Annual wealth tax proposed in Scottish Green election plans

The Scottish Greens have proposed introducing an annual tax which targets the wealth of the “super rich”.

Lorna Slater, the party’s co-leader, said the plans would raise £70bn a year to fund public services like the NHS.

The policy is set to be part of the Scottish Green manifesto, which will be published in the weeks ahead of the General Election, and will include taxing the wealthiest 1% of UK households.

It would start at a 1% tax rate for those with assets worth £3.4m, rising to 5% for those with £5.7m and above.

A 10% rate would be imposed for those with assets of at least £18.2m.

It comes after the party announced on Friday it would put forward a record 44 candidates to contest seats at the election.

Slater said: “The last few years have been really tough for millions of families across the UK, people have struggled with sky high bills, soaring costs and stagnating wages.

“Yet, for the super wealthy things have never been better, they have continued to get richer while inequality has got worse and worse.

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